Hand-Painted Figurines To Create Decorative Displays In Your Home
If hand-painted curios pique your interest and you have the tendency to browse through collections at antique shops or flea markets, maybe you would like to try to create your own set of figurines. Hand-painted wooden or ceramic eggs, animals, or people could be used to enhance empty shelving in a hutch or the central part of a table.
Purchase A Variety Of Supplies
Use some figurines that you currently own as inspiration or look at merchandise that is displayed in shops or that are being featured at a private residential sale. You can either stick to one theme and paint an array of items that are closely related or you can create a scene, by choosing figurines that intertwine, yet are independent from one another. A scene may include a few people, animals, scale model homes or businesses, and scenic items, such as trees, a body of water, and mountains.
When visiting a hobby shop, try to envision the display that you would like to create so that you select wooden or ceramic pieces that will be the size or shape that is needed to fill a particular area in your home. If you want to enhance your painted collection with fabric, lighting, or a hand-painted backdrop, purchase a piece of material that can be draped over the table or along a shelf.
Buy a light kit to project light on the painted items and a piece of canvas to paint on and create an alluring backdrop. Buy an acrylic paint set, paintbrushes, and clear glaze. If the figurines contain small details, you may want to pick a paintbrush set that features varying brush widths and lengths.
Work On One Project At A Time
If you purchased wooden or ceramic figurines that can be utilized for several project ideas, select one grouping of items to work on at a time. For instance, if you were interested in wooden eggs that were in the hobby shop and bought an array of them to create a faux bird's nest, paint and glaze each egg.
Set up the nest, fabric that is being used to set the creation on top of, and the backdrop or lighting accessories that you have chosen. Once one of your personal creations is complete and you have it set up in your home, begin a subsequent project. Use your artistic talents to beautify several areas in your home and give some of your creations to loved ones.